jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Getting a function name (__func__) from a class T and a pointer to member function void(T::*pmf)()

Is it possible to write some f() template function that takes a type T and a pointer to member function of signature void(T::*pmf)() as (template and/or function) arguments and returns a const char* that points to the member function's __func__ variable (or to the mangled function name)?

EDIT: I am asked to explain my use-case. I am trying to write a unit-test library (I know there is a Boost Test library for this purpose). And my aim is not to use any macros at all:

struct my_test_case : public unit_test::test {
    void some_test()
        assert_test(false, "test failed.");

My test suite runner will call my_test_case::some_test() and if its assertion fails, I want it log:

ASSERTION FAILED (&my_test_case::some_test()): test failed.

I can use <typeinfo> to get the name of the class but the pointer-to-member-function is just an offset, which gives no clue to the user about the test function being called.

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